As the need to safely store water increases, many people are looking for alternate or flexible ways to contain, store, and reuse water. While popular choices tend to include the plastic (polyethylene tank) or the fiberglass storage unit, there is a growing demand for tanks that offer increased flexibility and mobility around a location. This has led many of our customers to ask, is there a flexible water storage solution?
The Collapsible Pillow Tank
One of the most flexible water storage solutions available on the market today is the Collapsible Tank. Known by many different names, this tank has been called the collapsible tank, bladder tank, pillow tank, flexible tank and even a water blivet. Regardless of its name, these tanks have provided many with increased flexibility and storage ability.
What is a Pillow Tank?
As its name suggests, a pillow tank is a tank that features a design similar to that of a pillow. When empty, this tank will lie completely flat and can even be folded up for easy transportation. As it is filled with water, its sides will slowly rise until a pillow shape is formed. These tanks typically feature a low profile for storage in tight spaces or locations.
The pillow tank is constructed from multiple fabric materials depending on the liquid you need to store. It is most commonly built with polyurethane, polymer alloy or E PVC coated materials.
The advantages of the collapsible tank are numerous and can include:
- Reduced Shipping Costs (can be folded or rolled up)
- Wide Storage Capacities (1 to 250,000 gallons)
- Low Profile (fits under decks and in basements)
- Economical
- Easy Setup (folded for faster transportation)
- Flexible Exterior (can fit in existing old or leaking cisterns)
So whether you are looking for rain water collection, drinking water storage, or non drinking water storage for utilities, this tank is a flexible way to get the storage you need.
Making a good source of water can be the most valuable thing that we must have. This kind of water tank is good to have it.
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