Friday, March 23, 2012

World Water Day 2012

World Water Day is a globally celebrated day focused on bringing attention to water needs and problems around the world. This year, the theme for world water day is "Water and Food Security".

This theme brings to light the problem of water scarcity and large water needs around the globe when growing food and other agricultural products. As our world strives to secure enough food to feed a growing population, the need for water security also increases.

Water is necessary not only to sustain the lives, but also to grow plants, feed livestock, and perform daily activities. As our need for food increases, the need for water is doubly increased as water is needed for both daily consumption and maintaining our food supply.

World Water Day brings to focus the need to preserve our water, limit the amount of food and water wasting, and find new and innovative ways to supply water in agricultural areas, as well as all areas of use. For more information, check out the World Water Day PDF.

World Water Day History

The first World Water Day occurred in 1993 as a way to internationally celebrate fresh water. Every year since then, the day offered a new theme for the year. Themes from past years have included water scarcity, water quality, and water for the future. View All Past World Water Day Themes.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Water Storage Tank Cleaning

Anytime you are storing water, a major concern for many customers is how to keep the water clean during storage. Depending on how long you are looking to store this water, this can include a variety of methods including tank colors, added solutions, and sanitizing.

Tank Exteriors

plastic water tanksDuring water storage, growth of water borne algae can be problem, especially if your tank is being stored in an outdoor location. To handle the problem of outdoor storage or storage of tanks in areas particularly prone to light exposure, the first option to consider is using a tank with a darker exterior.

This method is often seen during the storage of water in plastic tanks. Since these tanks are commonly made from a poly material such as polyethylene, they are simply replaced with a black or dark green polyethylene alternative. This gives the tank the same FDA approval, while also blocking light from entering the tank and causing growth.

Tank Interiors

As a general standard, you should always make sure that the container you use to store your water is food-grade and approved for the storage of potable water. Containers of this type will usually include an FDA approval for the storage of drinking water and other food grade materials. In some cases, drinking water storage tanks will also contain an NSF 61 approval. NSF International in an independent organization committed to the public safety and storage of drinking water materials.

Long Term Water Storage

portable water bagsIf you are planning on using a tank for long-term drinking water storage, it is often advised that some type of softener or water preserver be placed within the tank. These solutions can be found in various camping, RV or general and online stores and include elements that help to kill bacteria and mold to keep your water clean.

Most long term water storage preservers are designed to help you successfully store water for up to five years (5 years).

Sanitizing and Cleaning your Tank

Tanks can also be cleaned and washed out using a chlorine sanitizing solution. It is typically recommended that your chlorine solution is not more than 5%. More information on cleaning and caring for your tank can be found on the How to Clean a Water Tank page.

Water Storage Tank Options

pillow tank A water storage tank can come in many different styles, fabrics and configurations. Choosing the best tank for your application can depend on multiple factors including your storage location, the liquid you need to store, the amount of water you need to store, and available storage space.

View Water Storage Tank Options